Race ranking

Daily run
# Name RR
Forest 2
Luzak 2
Smerfik 2
Weekly run
# Name RR
Smerfik 72
Xetiz 65
Catty 41
Monthly run
# Name RR
Smerfik 336
Luzak 231
Xetiz 206

Quest system


Find the Brave Guard to start your adventure with challenging missions.
In total, there are one hundred unique and difficult missions waiting for you that will require strength and patience from you. Thanks to this, you will earn unique rewards.

Below is a list of all missions

Requires killing 50 Worm, as a reward you will receive 1,000,000 zen .

Requires killing 100 Hommerd, as a reward you will receive Box of Heaven .

Requires killing 200 Assassin, as a reward you will receive 10 Goblin Point .

Requires killing 300 Yeti, as a reward you will receive 5x Gold Medal .

Requires killing 400 Elite Yeti, as a reward you will receive 5,000,000 zen .

Requires killing 500 Ice Queen, as a reward you will receive 15 Goblin Point .

Requires killing 600 Skeleton, as a reward you will receive 3x Box of Heaven .

Requires killing 700 Ghost, as a reward you will receive 20 Goblin Point .

Requires killing 800 Cyclops, as a reward you will receive 5x Gold Medal .

Requires killing 900 Dark Knight, as a reward you will receive Box of Luck .

Requires killing 1000 Gorgon, as a reward you will receive 5x Box of Heaven .

Requires killing 1100 Bahamut, as a reward you will receive 25,000,000 zen .

Requires killing 1200 Vepar, as a reward you will receive 25 Goblin Point .

Requires killing 1300 Valkyrie, as a reward you will receive Box of Kundun+1 .

Requires killing 1400 Great Bahamut, as a reward you will receive 5x Box of Heaven .

Requires killing 1500 Silver Valkyrie, as a reward you will receive 50,000,000 zen .

Requires killing 1600 Lizard King, as a reward you will receive Box of Luck .

Requires killing 100 Hydra, as a reward you will receive Box of Elation .

Requires killing 1700 Shadow, as a reward you will receive 25 Goblin Point .

Requires killing 1800 Poison Shadow, as a reward you will receive 5x Box of Heaven .

Requires killing 1900 Cursed Wizard, as a reward you will receive 50,000,000 zen .

Requires killing 2000 Death Cow, as a reward you will receive Box of Kundun+1 .

Requires killing 2100 Devil, as a reward you will receive Box of Luck .

Requires killing 2200 Death Knight, as a reward you will receive 25 Goblin Point .

Requires killing 100 Balrog, as a reward you will receive Box of Kundun+2 .

Requires killing 2300 Bloody Wolf, as a reward you will receive 100,000,000 zen .

Requires killing 2400 Mutant, as a reward you will receive 2x Box of Kundun+1 .

Requires killing 2500 Iron Wheel, as a reward you will receive 50 Goblin Point .

Requires killing 2600 Beam Knight, as a reward you will receive Box of Luck .

Requires killing 2700 Tantalos, as a reward you will receive 100,000,000 zen .

Requires killing 100 Zaikan, as a reward you will receive 3x Box of Kundun+1 .

Requires killing 100 Death Beam Knight, as a reward you will receive 2x Box of Kundun+2 .

Requires killing 2800 Alquamos, as a reward you will receive 50 Goblin Point .

Requires killing 2900 Queen Rainier, as a reward you will receive 100,000,000 zen .

Requires killing 3000 Mega Crust, as a reward you will receive Box of Kundun+2 .

Requires killing 3100 Alpha Crust, as a reward you will receive 2x Box of Luck .

Requires killing 3200 Draken, as a reward you will receive 50 Goblin Point .

Requires killing 3300 Great Draken, as a reward you will receive 10x Box of Heaven .

Requires killing 4300 Phantome Knight, as a reward you will receive 100,000,000 zen .

Requires killing 100 Phoenix of Darkness, as a reward you will receive 3x Box of Kundun+2 .

Requires killing 3500 Forrest Orc, as a reward you will receive 50 Goblin Point .

Requires killing 3600 Death Tree, as a reward you will receive 2x Box of Luck .

Requires killing 3700 Death Rider, as a reward you will receive 100,000,000 zen .

Requires killing 3800 Blue Golem, as a reward you will receive 10x Box of Heaven .

Requires killing 3900 Witch Queen, as a reward you will receive 3x Box of Kundun+1 .

Requires killing 100 Hell Maine, as a reward you will receive 3x Box of Kundun+2 .

Requires killing 4000 Splinter Wolf, as a reward you will receive 50 Goblin Point .

Requires killing 4100 Iron Rider, as a reward you will receive 150,000,000 zen .

Requires killing 4200 Satyros, as a reward you will receive 2x Box of Luck .

Requires killing 4300 Blade Hunter, as a reward you will receive 10x Box of Heaven .

Requires killing 4400 Kentauros, as a reward you will receive 50 Goblin Point .

Requires killing 4500 Gigantis, as a reward you will receive 150,000,000 zen .

Requires killing 4600 Berserker, as a reward you will receive 100 Goblin Point .

Requires killing 4700 Genocider, as a reward you will receive 2x Box of Luck .

Requires killing 4800 Twin Tale, as a reward you will receive 10x Box of Heaven .

Requires killing 4900 Persona, as a reward you will receive 150,000,000 zen .

Requires killing 1 Nightmare, as a reward you will receive 100 Goblin Point .

Requires killing 5100 Dreadfear, as a reward you will receive 3x Box of Kundun+2 .

Requires killing 1 Maya, as a reward you will receive Box of Kundun+3 .

Requires killing 5200 Zombie Fighter, as a reward you will receive 100 Goblin Point .

Requires killing 5300 Resurrected Gladiator, as a reward you will receive 3x Box of Luck .

Requires killing 5400 Ash Slaughterer, as a reward you will receive 200,000,000 zen .

Requires killing 5500 Blood Assassin, as a reward you will receive 10x Box of Heaven .

Requires killing 5500 Cruel Blood Assassin, as a reward you will receive 100 Goblin Point .

Requires killing 5600 Burning Lava Giant, as a reward you will receive 2x Box of Kundun+3 .

Requires killing 5700 Ruthless Lava Giant, as a reward you will receive 200,000,000 zen .

Requires killing 5 Petrified Dragon, as a reward you will receive 3x Box of Kundun+3 .

Requires killing 5800 Sapi-Unus, as a reward you will receive 150 Goblin Point .

Requires killing 5900 Sapi-Duo, as a reward you will receive 10x Box of Heaven .

Requires killing 6000 Sapi-Tres, as a reward you will receive 200,000,000 zen .

Requires killing 6100 Shadow Pawn, as a reward you will receive 3x Box of Kundun+3 .

Requires killing 6200 Shadow Knight, as a reward you will receive 150 Goblin Point .

Requires killing 6300 Shadow Look, as a reward you will receive 3x Box of Luck .

Requires killing 6400 Thunder Napin, as a reward you will receive 250,000,000 zen .

Requires killing 6500 Ghost Napin, as a reward you will receive 10x Box of Heaven .

Requires killing 6600 Blaze Napin, as a reward you will receive 3x Box of Kundun+3 .

Requires killing 1 Medusa, as a reward you will receive 5x Box of Kundun+3 .

Requires killing 6700 Ice Walker, as a reward you will receive 250,000,000 zen .

Requires killing 6800 Giant Mammoth, as a reward you will receive 10x Box of Heaven .

Requires killing 6900 Ice Giant, as a reward you will receive 200 Goblin Point .

Requires killing 7000 Coolutin, as a reward you will receive 1x Box of Kundun+4 .

Requires killing 7100 Iron Knight, as a reward you will receive 250,000,000 zen .

Requires killing 7200 Dark Mammoth, as a reward you will receive 10x Box of Heaven .

Requires killing 7300 Dark Giant, as a reward you will receive 2x Box of Kundun+4 .

Requires killing 7400 Dark Coolutin, as a reward you will receive 200 Goblin Point .

Requires killing 7500 Dark Iron Knight, as a reward you will receive 3x Box of Luck .

Requires killing 1 Selupan, as a reward you will receive 3x Box of Kundun+4 .

Requires killing 7600 Venomous Chain Scorpion, as a reward you will receive 250 Goblin Point .

Requires killing 7700 Bone Scorpion, as a reward you will receive 20x Box of Heaven .

Requires killing 7800 Orcus, as a reward you will receive 500,000,000 zen .

Requires killing 7900 Gollock, as a reward you will receive 5x Box of Kundun+4 .

Requires killing 8000 Crypta, as a reward you will receive 500 Goblin Point .

Requires killing 8100 Crypos, as a reward you will receive 3x Box of Kundun+5 .

Requires killing 8200 Condra, as a reward you will receive 500,000,000 zen .

Requires killing 8300 Narcondra, as a reward you will receive 5x Box of Luck .

Requires killing 5 Ice Golem, as a reward you will receive 3x Box of Kundun+5 .

Requires killing 5 Anubis, as a reward you will receive 500 Goblin Point .

Requires killing 5 Ent, as a reward you will receive 10x Box of Luck .

Requires killing 5 Iron Dinosaur, as a reward you will receive 1000 Goblin Point .

Requires killing 1 Epic Dragon, as a reward you will receive Soul of GGD .
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Server: Online Players online

Smerfik 1,644
Luzak 1,500
Pierun 1,225
4 PaOs 1,086
5 Y2PLAY 1,062
Event time
Owner of the Castle:
Leader: BENCH
Guild registration for the castle fight until midnight Tuesday